Bridging the Gap: TechVets Teams Up with TRECCERT for Veteran Career Growth

Bridging the Gap: TechVets Teams Up with TRECCERT for Veteran Career Growth

Meredyth Grant

At TechVets, we’re constantly crafting paths for veterans to transition into rewarding civilian tech careers. Our latest endeavour? A collaboration with TRECCERT, facilitated by Hackademic, that’s set to revolutionise the way veterans step into the tech world.

The first step in our collaboration is the launch of the ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation certification. Provided at no cost to our members, this certification is the cornerstone of a secure transition from military roles to civilian tech professions, emphasising information security from the start.

James Murphy, our Director, is a strong proponent of partnerships that amplify our members’ military expertise in the tech landscape. “Collaborating with entities like TRECCERT allows us to offer our veterans exceptional upskilling opportunities,” he remarks. “It’s all about translating military precision and discipline into tech success”

TechVets is not just stopping at one certification; our vision includes a broad spectrum of certifications that cater to diverse tech specialisms, particularly in Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC).

TRECCERT’s CEO, Thilo Klein, believes wholeheartedly in the TechVets mission; focusing on empowering the military community to achieve corporate success. “This partnership aligns perfectly with our goal of empowering individuals to excel in critical professional roles,” Klein asserts.

Join us as we pave the way for veterans transitioning into the tech sector, equipped with the right skills and certifications. Become a member now.
